There have been several things on my mind lately. Some of it has to do with old baggage. To tell you the truth I getting kind of tired of carrying it around. I want some "new" baggage!
Desires of my heart. An old, yet favorite topic. While out shopping the other day a very nice cashier said "Happy New Year and may it be better than last year". I thanked her and wished her the same. She then said she was really hoping that 2010 would be a better year. I then realized more than ever how truly blessed I am, 2009 was a better good year. A wonderful man married me. He bought me a house (home), a new (used) car, and takes such good care of me. He has gone from being single to being a husband, step-dad, and grandpa. We have a great dishwasher that I have never turned on, I don't have to cause my honey does the dishes. (BIG sigh)
On the other hand there have been some very difficult and trying times for members of my family. Some of these are things I am all to familiar with. My heart aches for them, I wish I could take away the pain and hurt and make everything better. It seems to be all part of a more divine plan that each needs to learn and grow from.
While reading some of my favorite blogs where the writers of these blogs pick a word for the new year to be their guide, rather then make resolutions. One had a link to a great guide to help choose your own word. If you let me know I can share it with you, I am going to get permission to link it to my blog.
I found my word.
I have chosen the word "Simplify". I tried explaining this to Poprock this morning, I think he got it. To start with it gives me permission to get rid of some baggage.
There will definitely be more to follow on this. Stay tuned.
Simplify is a good word. I am trying that one myself. The baggage of lots of things...I am talking of the stuff baggage, then there is the people baggage. Hmm could be an even better year than I thought. Maybe we should get together once a month like we talked about my house and yours (hey that would be twice a month) and do some of that simplify stuff. We could do a lot of good in both of our lives. Love you sis!
Thanks Sis! Yesterday was great. I am still working on the music filing system. I fill so great about it and I had a great time too. The 6th your house okay? I think it will be fun there too. Love you!
Thanks for dropping by and saying hello :) Good luck with the resolution word!
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